Most people spend their whole life trying to decide or choose a specific life path. This path could be a specific job or field, it could be a goal or rank, or it could be as simple as just getting by. To me, picking what you want to do for the rest of your life is a major decision, probably one of the biggest, if not the biggest decision we will ever make. I also feel that many are forced into making this decision too quick leaving them uneducated to what is really out there. Instead of thinking about the financial investment and burden that they are about to put on their shoulders, they are more worried to make a quick decision just to get it over with and move on. To me this seems like the wrong way to start off your adult life, but thus is the culture in which we live.

People need to take some time to focus on what makes them unique. What makes you "you" what you can offer to the world to help change it. I completely understand that some may either be satisfied with a normal everyday job, or some may desire to have what we call an "everyday job". On the other hand, from personal experience, I also know that there are others who feel forced into these positions due to life status or other obligations.

Even coming from a very successful family owned plumbing business I told myself that I could no longer work for someone else. I felt like I was not doing what I was put here to do. With the constant need and desire to do my own thing, something new, something fresh, I finally walked away from my normal life to take a step into the great wide open. I moved to California in the beginning of 2011 to get away from all my vises in my hometown, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Staying motivated and creative is the biggest feat. The way I do that, is just by being myself. When you are who you are then the true you will flow. A lot of people these days are a big act, and spend to much time trying to look like or be they people they "want to be," but in reality have nothing to back it. When you are you, theres nothing to back other then who you really are.

Having so many ventures and ideas for life left it impossible for me to pick just one, therefore I had to come up with a way to do them all. Life is to be fun and full, but it is also what you make of it. Unfortunately I learned this the hard way ate an early age. Coming from good blood, I cant come close to even saying I had a rough life. But due to chooses and decisions I made, made my early adult life was much more difficult then the average. Getting charged with 2 DUIS, 3 felony drugs charges, and a host of misdemeanor charges in various states all before my 21st birthday made be realize…. you really can ride life two ways. In America with what freedom is still left, we have a chance to do what ever we want. Life only gives you one chance. Some people take there chance and fail, some succeed, and some don't take it at all. JALLEN was the chance I took. Walking away from a 70 year old family business being the only one left in line to take over, Id say I put a lot on the line to start this company. The one thing that I couldn't put a price on is the people that I could affect if I did what I knew it was i really wanted to do; JALLEN was how i responded.

Let me break down JALLEN. As an artist I needed a promoter or to self promote. As a designer, I needed a name, a brand, a logo. As a photographer, I needed way to display my work. As a producer I needed a place to showcase my works. As leader I needed a way to show the world what I was doing to hopefully affect someone else. As an individual, I also wanted a way to communicate with the world things I find interesting and worth while. JALLEN, is how I solved all of these simple problems.

JALLEN is me, it is everything I know, its what I do. Everything I do, I do for both pleasure and pay. I used this company to showcase and accomplish both. Keeping people, the public, updated and aware is key these days… we need to know whats going on! Things may be dull, recession is rough, but JALLEN brings a fresh prospective to the table. At one of the hardest times in history to start a company, I chose it to be the right time to start my company.

Another one of the biggest reasons i started JALLEN is because i did not want to look forward to the end. Being only 22, I have my whole life ahead of me (God willing) Nothing ever discouraged me more then someone who just got a job or just recently started working for a company, and all they think about is how much longer they have to do this for, or at what age they can finally retire and call it quits….then whats next? To me that just seems like a big waste of time. When you are truly happy you have a better quality of life, even depending on any financial or life situation. I also understand that there are individuals who will simply never get the opportunity to do what they really want to do. That is where someday I hope JALLEN can eventually grow to help reach these people. In America everyone deserves a chance… if they want to take it. Some would take the chance if they had the chance to take it. Some just need some guidance or a positive mind…. This is also where I plan to be able to eventually take JALLEN.

I would like to personally thank you for taking some time to check out my site and what I have got planned in the near future. I have big ideas for JALLEN, but need to start small and build it up as the time is right. This company is my life, and i plan to share both with you along the way. Your feedback and comments mean the world. Let me know if what I am doing helps or inspires you. We as people have more power then most realize, I want people to use that power to take back the world and make it the place we want it to be.