1.20.11 |
Well its offical, I am going back to Las Vegas! Even though I said I wouldnt go back for a while, I find myself 12 hours away from returning to the 24 hour adult playground. Now, let me fend my case. When I went to Vegas for the first time, I went with a good friend who had already been there before. Vegas has alot going, and if you really have never seen it our even really looked into it, you will be in awe upon your first arrivial. Looking back one my first experience to Vegas, I really appreciated having someone there that knew somewhat of what was going on and where things were. With that being said, my roomate Curt has never been to Vegas, but has always wanted to go. Being that we are only four hours away, and to wanting reward ourselves for making it across the country without killing each other, we decieded it would be a perfect time to take but yet another small road trip.... to Fabulous Las Vegas!!!
As far as my day went, I pretty much spent it doing some bills, some other personal busy work, and putting together a whole last minute trip to Vegas. (FYI I found a bunch of hotels on the strip that allow dogs! The Flamingo is your best bet though!) Honestly thats pretty much it. I just finished getting all my things together, and am just waiting for all my camera gear to charge and I am good to go. I plan to have alot of fun in Vegas, but this time i set aside a whole day to get pictures. Ill do my best to fill you in on the trip, but like they say... "What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas.... except herpes!!" Anway, I am getting back to work on the PA to LA edit. Stay Tuned!
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1.19.11 |
Today was a pretty low key day for me. I worked till 3 a.m. last night, and ended up getting a late start in the day. Ususally I am up at the crack of dawn and like to get my work out, and busy work out of the way before noon, allowing me to have the rest of the day to work. This wasnt the case for today though, by the time I was all cleaned up and ready to go, it was already around 4 p.m. and i had nothing major accomplished.
Around the same time my roomate, Curt, mentioned that he had to take his dog to get it's nails clipped on the East side of town, and asked if I wanted to go. At first I was a bit apprehensive, but like I said yesterday.... JUST DO IT!! The weather was perfect, there was a slight breeze and not alot of sun.Out of no where I came up with my idea for my blog entry for the day... "A Strole Thru LA."
LA is a big place, its pretty dirty in parts, but other parts can be breathtaking. On my strole through the city I tried to capture a few pictures of things that I thought were interesting on the way to the groomers. This started off as a fun task, but due to the time or day, picture taking just wasnt working out for me. I posted a few shots that I liked, and hope you may enjoy them as well.
When we finally got back to the pad after our 5 mile strole, I was time to grub. Being that I did dinner the night before, it was time for Curts hand in the Kitchen. To my sheer amazement he produced one of the most tastiest NEW dishes i have had in a while... "Scottish Eggs." These things were so good, i had to take a picture of them. Basically what it is, is a hard boiled egg covered in sausage meat, rolled in bread crums, and then fried! If these things catch your eye like they did mine, email me, and ill send you the receipe. These things are fun to make and are definately worth a try. Well that all for today, as always i appreciate your time, and thank you for reading whats on my mind.
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1.18.11 |
So I am still getting used the whole LA experience, which is a huge change from my past living arrangements. So, to continue breaking myself into the culture, I decided to go to my first open air market to purchase produce for my citrus chicken dinner that I was planning on making that night. I was blown away by the variety and prices of the produce. They literally have everything, and its fresh with no preservatives! I began shopping and before I know it my hands were. Finally i made it to the Cash only check out, to discover that the bananza of produce only cost me $6.00. I was so amazed at this, i had to take some pictures. Anyway i made it back to the pad and began cooking my concoction. I must say everything came out great and i was honestly impressed at my own work. Later that night, my bud Curt and I made our way up to this bar called the "Libertine."I was told it was noted for the house band on Monday night!! WOW…. is all i can say! Seriously the LA music scene is off the charts, musicians come prepared.
All in all i must say that it was am interesting day. Cali is overwhelming at first, but if you take it a step at a time, you will have no problems. My best advice is if you hear about something going on, JUST DO IT! Go get lost and find your way home, pass out on a park bench, take the metro, do what ever you can at first.
I must also say that being in the city has opened my eyes to a whole new realm of ideas and projects. With that being said, i am going to begin my first public service project. The other day, I found myself walking down the street staring at the homeless and what they had. I was a total eye opener. I know not all of them were put there, but i found myself showing compassion for the ones that you could tell knew no better, and just honestly never had real chance. Seeing this made me want to help. I don't have much, but you got to do with what you got. I came up with the idea to print off about 50-100 T-Shirts and give them away to as many homeless as i can. I don't know what impact it will have to the public, but i can only imagine the personal enjoyment that i hope this project will bring. I am making the thought public today, so you can help keep me accountable. I plan on doing a full video on this project, which i will post when the entire project is complete. If you would like to make a donation, or buy a t-shirt please feel free to contact me here. This will be my first public service project so your help and support will be greatly appreciated!!! Stay current with the site, i will be posting the t-Shirt design, and will also be making a page for this project. Good things are coming and i am excited for the future. Hope all is well, check back soon!!! |
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01.17.11 |
Hello, this is my first offical entry on my new site. First off, I would like to personally thank you for taking a moment of your time to check out my page. This site is going to be a constant "Work in Progress". With that being said, i plan to update this site on a daily basis, with new media, post, and other projects the i will be starting. I also intend to update the site's overall functionality, and flow to make it more user friendly, and to give it a more "Community Style" feel.
 | Now that all of that is out of the way let me update you on whats going on here.
On the first of this year, a friend of mine and myself packed up a 2008 Chevy Colorado and a U-haul trailor with our eyes set west. We left quiet Harrisburg, PA around noon Jan. 1st, and never looked back. My friend Curt, who is a "travel nurse" or a contract nurse had a job position to fill in Los Angeles, CA starting the the 7th of the month. I on the other hand had no work arrangments, other then completeling some media prodjects and ideas i had already started. Back home, I worked for a small family owned plumbing business my whole life. It was a good paying job, and could provided what i needed to survive in todays economy. What this job couldnt provide, is a way for me to express and use my abilities to affect and change or society. With this being said, i knew i had to do something to achieve personal satisfaction.
When I left PA, i told my family I was going to use this time to catch up on projects i had been putting off due to a hectic work schedule, and to really find what it is i wanted to do in the next chapter of life. Being that i never went to college, and due to some prior run ins with the law, this was the first time I would be leaving my family, job, hometown, and everything behind. I knew this is what i needed to do to fully concetrate and begin to accomplish the goals that i had begun to set.
One night while sitting in my LA Apartment, i came up with the idea to make a website to post all my ideas and projects on. The reason i decieded to do this, was to help keep me motivated. This way you will be able to watch these projects develope, and see what kind of progress is being made on a daily basis. These projects could be anywhere from community outreach to a full blown production idea. Over the years i have been accumulating ideas after ideas, and am ready to start sharing them with the world. I plan to use this site as a creative outlook, as well as a place to inform and show you everything i have going on. I am open to anything... and would love any input or advice. This is a brand new concept for me this year and i hope it works as planned. Thats all for now stay tuned!
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